All parents want their children to be happy. And female happiness, as you know, lies in love. Realizing this, many mothers, and fathers too, want to teach their daughters to be happy in love.

Step 1
To be able to make your daughter happy, to teach her something, you need to establish contact with her, become her older friend or friend, if we are talking about a father, to gain her trust.
Step 2
To teach your daughter to be happy in love, you need to instill in her self-confidence and self-esteem. It will be difficult for an insecure girl to attract the attention of the "right" gentlemen. She will underestimate her dignity, and she will be haunted by the fear of rejection. In an attempt to minimize these risks, the girl will unconsciously choose and “attract” “unenviable” suitors. In relationships, insecure girls often take a victim position, allowing the man to mistreat him. So that nothing like this happens to your daughter, praise her. Admire her appearance, success, skills, intelligence. These easy steps will help you make your daughter happy, adding confidence to the girl.
Step 3
To teach your daughter to be happy in love, you need to give her your love from childhood. A girl “disliked” by her parents will always try to “get” the love that she lacked in childhood. If such a girl is lucky and a worthy man falls in love with her, the girl will try to get from him all the love that she did not receive in childhood. Such a girl can endlessly demand from her man a confirmation of his love. A man will at first strive to prove his feelings to her, but the demands of an insecure girl, as a rule, will grow. In the end, a man, unable to bear it, will most likely prefer to leave such a lady. To make their daughter happy, parents must let the girl know that she is loved by them and needed by them. It is not enough just to love your daughter, you need to show her this love: do not skimp on affectionate words, hugs, praise.
Step 4
To teach a daughter to be happy in love, parents must teach a girl to love herself. A girl who is used to being loved by her parents will love herself and will be happy in love. In order to teach a girl to love herself, it is not enough to show her love and praise her daughter. Teach the girl to accept herself for who she is. Help her learn to hide her flaws and emphasize her strengths. Teach your daughter to take care of herself, take care of her health, appearance and figure.
Step 5
Your positive example will also help to be happy in your daughter's love. Show by example of your relationship how to build it correctly. A girl should see from childhood a model of a family in which love and mutual respect reign. Then it will be easier for the grown daughter to transfer this model to her relationship. Teach the girl by her own example to constructively solve emerging problems, bypass sharp corners. A girl from childhood should learn to communicate with men.
Step 6
To make your daughter happy in love, cultivate positive qualities in her, with which it is easier to walk through life. Develop her communication skills, encourage her sociability, teach a positive outlook on life. Teach the girl to do the housework. These qualities will help her build family life.