Loves - dislikes: fortune-telling on daisies has long been out of fashion. Modern girls wonder if a young man likes them in other ways. And psychologists even identified a number of actions, words and things that a lady can easily interest a young man.

Step 1
If you want to please a young man with whom you only correspond on the Internet, then your own tricks are needed here. First, as psychologists say, men love with their ears. And in correspondence this provision is basic. In order for a guy to become interested in you, you need to think over everything - from what topics you will communicate to how it will all happen. Of course, do not forget that you need to not only speak, speak and speak yourself, but also listen very carefully. Moreover, in quantitative terms, the ideal scheme looks like this: 65% of the information from a young man, 35 5 - from you. Show your interlocutor your sense of humor: do not joke "flatly", do not talk too much. And don't forget to compliment. However, they should not be empty and unreasonable. Necessarily only to the place.
Step 2
Another prerequisite is beautiful and tastefully selected clothes. The principle: "They meet by clothes" is still in force. In order to attract the attention of a normal, intelligent and intelligent young person, you need to take care of your wardrobe in the most careful way. All details must be thought out, accessories are appropriate, clothes are feminine. In addition, no man will miss a girl who has a "line". That is, when a lady is an integral nature, self-confident, clearly aware of her goals. Moreover, she achieves them with the help of clothes too. And this means that the young man will like the girl who knows how to emphasize what is needed and disguise flaws.
Step 3
In addition to the wardrobe, you need to pay attention to your overall appearance. Surely, a girl with bitten nails and peeling varnish in addition will interest the guy. But not in the sense in which you would like. The same goes for the head. Men like ladies with well-groomed hands, feet and hair. Therefore, do not forget even about the little things in conquering the man of your dreams.
Step 4
Intelligence is what still needs to be added to external data. Few people are interested in silly girls. Therefore, it is desirable that you know how to support the conversation. Also in the price of modern gentlemen and female wisdom. Among the liberated Amazons, they really lack worldly wise women: those who will not constantly nag and "swing" their rights. Therefore, if you want to interest the young man, show him that compromises are not alien to you.
Step 5
And of course, be polite, tactful with him, do not be boring and admire his achievements. A sane gentleman is unlikely to miss such a girl.