What, it would seem, could be easier than captioning a photo to your loved one? However, the photo will not be just a gift or a thing on the table for him. The photograph will carry your visual identity. And the words written on it will complement it. The moment a loved one takes your photo and reads your message, he will remember you.

It is necessary
Photography, improvised means of creativity, a program for photo processing
Step 1
First, select a photo. Don't listen to anyone but yourself. The photo you like will carry non-verbal cues to the messenger. A look, a smile, a mood, captured on it, will speak about your character traits, or maybe they will support you in difficult times. Rely on your inner feelings. If you want to give him a photo with your nude, do it. But if this disgusts you, do not give such a picture only on the advice of your friends or because everyone in your department did so. And even more so, one should not be guided by the motive to keep a person. Feelings do not tolerate deception.
Step 2
Now think about how to sign. What would you like to say with this photo to your loved one? Avoid clichés taken from the internet or other sources. Think about the present, not the future.
Step 3
If nothing comes to mind at all, wake up your fantasy. To do this, think of love in general, as a feeling, what emotions it evokes in you. Watch a movie about love, listen to music. Remember the image of a loved one, a pleasant time with him, his gifts or kind words. Write down your thoughts and feelings in a chaotic manner on a separate piece of paper as they arise. And then re-read and choose something suitable.
Step 4
You can also use someone else's text, for example, lines from a novel or poetry. But in this case, it is important that the words are taken with some meaning that the chosen one can understand.
Step 5
Do not forget about the fact that it is necessary to correlate the size of the photo and your message, to arrange in a style suitable for the style of the photo. Select the style for the label. It can be done by hand, in some font. If the photo is in a romantic style, the inscription can be painted with paints. If the photo is reckless, letters cut out and pasted out of paper will do.
Step 6
You can first process the photo with a special program - apply an inscription over the photo. However, this method will make your photo official. Another option is to make a collage like children's photos, using an adult theme.