A photo with your boyfriend warms the soul and can cheer you up in moments of separation. Photos can be taken in different genres - comedy, when you both fool around in front of a camera lens, or a detective story, where you are in the form of a fatal beauty, and he resembles the famous crime boss, Don Vito Corleone.

Step 1
First, decide what you want to end up with a shot: traditional, where you are dressed in casual clothes and, embracing, pose for the photographer; fancy-dress, where you put on historical dresses (you can rent them at ateliers or in costume museums) famous personalities (Empress Catherine, Ivan the Terrible, etc.), etc. Be sure to discuss with the young man where you want to take the photo session, and whether he shares your preferences about the chosen image for the photo. Once you've decided on a location, go in search of accessories that match your outfit. Help you get into the image and improvised means, for example, colored leggings, high-heeled shoes, a tunic in conjunction with bright makeup and fleece on the head will help to recreate the atmosphere of the 80s. A young man can hand over an old radio receiver, “lick” his hair with gel, or, conversely, make a forelock. Invite friends who love photography and have some knowledge of the technical side of photography.
Step 2
Photo studio professionals will be happy to help you take a photo with your boyfriend. The average cost of photographing with a professional camera is 2,000 - 3,000 rubles. The price includes recording about 70-100 photos to disk and about 20 retouched photos. The shooting lasts on average about 2 hours - it all depends on your freedom in front of the camera lens, as well as on the flight of fantasies. You can play with your partner the whole gamut of feelings and emotions - from joy and affection for each other to dissatisfaction and doubt. Usually in a photo studio they offer to use the services of a make-up artist who is able to transform a model, highlighting her dignity. You can also be helped with the choice of clothes if you take several suits with you, not knowing which suits you best.
Step 3
The easiest way to take a photo with your boyfriend is to go for a walk in the park or the waterfront together. Set a timer on your camera and quickly snuggle against each other against the background of green foliage or water surface, until the button on the camera has time to click.