An affair with a married man may seem like a fairy tale only at first. Gradually, it comes to the mistress of such a person that he will not leave his family for her, and she is destined for the unenviable fate of being on the second or even tenth roles in his life.

It is necessary
If you decide to part with your married lover, you will have a difficult battle with yourself. You will have to defeat the girl "unworthy of love and adoration" in yourself
Step 1
Understand how you fell victim to an affair with a married man. There are women who, since childhood, do not believe that they can be loved. For example, such a lady may consider herself too fat, too stupid or too ugly. Married men have a special nose for such losers, because they can be led by the nose for a long time. And even if outwardly the mistress looks perfect, she often has a sea of complexes in her soul, on which her man burdened with family skillfully plays.
Step 2
Find ways to boost your self-esteem. Only women with low self-esteem are deliberately included in love triangles. And the novel "for three" kills this self-esteem completely. You can raise it by working with a psychologist. Or by shaping your environment for a while so that only those who inspire you will remain in it. Without a psychologist, you will need half a year or a year of a greenhouse environment to restore at least a little faith in yourself.
Step 3
Put the question bluntly. You, like any woman, have the right to personal happiness. And there are situations when the family. If he stays with his wife, it will be easier for you to be alone in order to get the opportunity to build your personal life the way you want it.