Human beauty is not always just an attribute of appearance. Yes, some men evaluate only the appearance of a girl, but girls rarely care about a man's appearance, because they are sure that a man's beauty lies in his actions.

A few words about beauty
The great minds of this world have been thinking about such a concept as "beauty" for more than one century. During this time, the concept of beauty has repeatedly transformed, acquired new meanings, differentiated into internal and external, male and female beauty, the beauty of nature, words and almost any matter and idea accessible to the consciousness of almighty humanity.
Beauty is a certain supreme essence, the cosmic Absolute, combining in itself piercing perfection and opposing roughness, irregularities and disharmony.
If in relation to external beauty, certain canons, norms, certain concepts have always been created, then it is quite difficult to judge internal beauty in this respect, since the concept of beauty in this case is very closely associated with the concept of morality, ethics, spirituality in the end. This is the beauty of not only thoughts, but the beauty of actions, and without it, the external component remains only a hollow form, which fades, fades and grows old after its time.
What is the beauty of men
Even Victor Hugo in his immortal work "Notre Dame Cathedral" raised the question of beauty in general and male beauty in particular. If you recall the plot, you will clearly see before your eyes a beautiful Phoebus comparable to the sun, betraying the feelings of a young gypsy woman and dooming her to death, and deprived of beauty, but endowed with crystal purity of soul, the hunchback Quasimodo. The difference cannot be overlooked.
The beauty of a man is not at all in a luxurious head of hair, a pile of muscles and a snow-white smile. The beauty of a man is his soul, it is how he lives his life and how he relates to the lives of others. For external beauty, a woman was created - an object of eternal admiration, care and lust, a striking example of which was Elena Troyanskaya.
Man is created to create, protect, cherish and cherish what is weaker. A man is prepared from above for the role of the mighty world, and his main duty and goal is to justify this statement.
Of course, the times when wars were unleashed for the sake of a woman, family or country and 12 feats were performed are long gone, but even today every man should remain a hero. A hero for the mother, for the beloved, for the daughter, son, grandson and for the whole world with them. The beauty of a man is his actions and must act so that everyone's eyes shine with this true, pure and spiritualized beauty.