"When, at last, will a textbook on women's logic be published!" - men exclaim in their hearts, desperate to understand the behavior of the weaker sex. Women do not remain in debt, claiming that their actions are completely understandable, but what men are guided by is a secret behind seven seals. The fact remains: the behavior of the opposite sex is often perplexing.

Step 1
The main mistake of a woman who does not understand the behavior of a man is that she judges him from her "women's bell tower". And this is wrong. You should remember that there are fundamental differences between the stronger and the weaker sex - not only anatomical, but also psychological. It is because of these psychological differences that a man in a given situation behaves completely differently than a woman.
Step 2
The weaker sex is much more emotional, it is common knowledge. A woman, pondering and solving some question or problem, in the overwhelming majority of cases does it aloud, along the way saying "anything", even about completely extraneous things. For a man, this behavior is unthinkable. Firstly, a man is much less emotional, and secondly, he prefers to think about the problem calmly, silently, as he immediately tries to find a solution, and for this he needs to concentrate.
Step 3
That is why many women take offense at men, believing that they do not take them seriously, are indifferent to their affairs and concerns, and generally do not want to listen to them. But you just need to understand a simple thing: a man thinks over and decides questions, problems in a completely different way. At the same time, he cannot be distracted, while talking about some nonsense (from his point of view, of course). For example, in what stunning blouse Zina came to work today, for how much did Nadia buy the “hot ticket”.
Step 4
A very common complaint of women: men do not give them the attention they deserve, do not say affectionate words, compliments. How can this be reconciled with their assurances of love? Women are perplexed, offended, begin to suspect their loved ones of insincerity. And here the whole thing is in a different psychology, as well as less emotionality, of the stronger sex. Men quite sincerely believe that love must be proved by deeds, not words. And they just as sincerely do not understand how you can say the same thing - like "I love you, you are the best" - many times!
Step 5
Therefore, if a loved one frees a woman from some of the household chores, protects her from dangers, tries to provide everything necessary - there is simply no better proof of love. Rejoice and do not tempt fate with your nagging (the meaning of which a man still will not understand, attributing them to female incontinence).