It is very important for a baby to feel the help and support of adults. Otherwise, he cannot fully satisfy his needs for protection and love.

Step 1
So that your child trusts you and does not keep negative experiences in himself, does not remain alone with his fears and grievances, learn how to communicate correctly with your son or daughter. It is categorically impossible to say humiliating things in front of other people or take a condescending tone. Do not scold your son or daughter in public, wait until home.
Step 2
Give your child enough attention. Due to its lack, the baby may start to be capricious or hysterical. The point is that he feels abandoned, insignificant and unnecessary. Even if you are busy, you can find a way to show that you love, appreciate the child, that you are happy with him. For example, entrust him with some simple work, ask him to bring something, submit, hold something.
Step 3
Do not compare a child with another toddler. Your son or daughter is unique. They have their own merits, which are devalued when compared. Instead, show them how to do things better, celebrate your baby's successes, and build independence by showing willingness to help when needed. Such actions increase self-esteem.
Step 4
Don't be too critical of your child's behavior. Let him sometimes make the wrong, but independent choice. Let the baby feel like a person capable of independent decisions.
Step 5
Do not make fun of your son or daughter, do not come up with nicknames that belittle the child or may seem offensive. Your little one does not deserve to be asserted by his parents at his expense.
Step 6
Some parents easily make promises to their children, and then easily forget to keep their word. As a result, the toddler is disappointed, resentful and deceived. What seems like a trifle to you may be very important to a child. This is especially true for spending time together.