No matter how much you earn, there is still not enough money. Many of us would agree with this statement. But it turns out that by properly planning the family budget, you can forever leave the situation in the past when you have to eat bouillon cubes and instant noodles a few days before the paycheck. So let's take these seven steps to keep your budget stable.

It is necessary
- - Notepad;
- - A pen;
- - Calculator.
Step 1
Make it a habit to record all your expenses. At this stage, you analyze your spending, compare it with income, and draw conclusions.
Step 2
Find a reserve for savings. Any family budget is spent in three areas:
- Obligatory payments (taxes, utility bills, children's education)
- Operating expenses (food, transport, clothing, mobile communications)
- Free money (entertainment, rest, gifts, guests)
You can cut costs on any of these points. For example, by insulating an apartment, you can save on compulsory expenses. You can spend less on food if you do not go to the supermarket on an empty stomach and have a list of products to buy with you.
Step 3
Do not carry a lot of money in your wallet, otherwise you will be tempted to buy everything. It is especially common for a person to spend a lot on the day of receiving a salary. Try to determine for yourself the amount that should be spent on daily needs every month: lunch, travel, various little things. Divide it by the number of days. It turns out the amount that you have to meet in a day. And if one day you overspend it, then the next day you will have to give up something.
Step 4
Make two lists, in the first list the things that you are not going to give up (balanced meals, gifts for your family), and in the second, what you can save on (use a taxi less often, spend less on cosmetics).
Step 5
Get a separate wallet for your change. Pour small coins there without counting. Someday this "bank" will help you out a lot.
Step 6
Analyze costs. Calculate which item of expenditure consumes a lot of money, perhaps it is going to a restaurant, and not at all children's clothes.
Step 7
Put unexpectedly generated "extra" money in a bank or mutual fund. Let them work for you, after a while you will feel the effect of such an investment. It is not for nothing that they say: rich is not the one who has a lot of money, but the one who has enough of it. Pay attention to money and you will have enough.