At What Age Can A Child Swim In The River

At What Age Can A Child Swim In The River
At What Age Can A Child Swim In The River

The river belongs to natural bodies of water, in which it is not recommended to swim for children under three years old. However, if you are confident in the purity of the water, and the child is healthy at the same time, you can start getting involved in water activities earlier.

At what age can a child swim in the river
At what age can a child swim in the river

Why are natural reservoirs dangerous for young children?

Pediatricians do not recommend bathing children under three years old in natural reservoirs, which include rivers and lakes. Especially dangerous are reservoirs with stagnant water, in which many people swim - these are real breeding grounds for infections. In appearance, the water may seem crystal clear, but this does not mean that E. coli or a dozen other pathogens do not live in it. This is what a natural reservoir is dangerous for, a child under three years old has a very weak immunity and cannot resist infections as well as an adult. In addition, a small child will not be able to explain that water cannot be drunk, he will probably want to taste it.

If you still want to introduce your baby to water activities, sign up for the pool better. Here the water goes through the disinfection procedure. Even if the child drinks it, nothing terrible threatens him. Swimming in the sea or ocean can also be considered relatively safe - most parasites simply die in salt water, and the water itself never stagnates. However, here another danger lies in wait for the baby - waves and a strong current. Do not leave the child for a minute and do not go with him to great depths.

When can a child start swimming in the river

Of course, not all parents follow the pediatrician's recommendations and do not let their children swim in the river until they are three years old. Indeed, if your whole family went to the river bank on a warm summer day, it’s somehow even a pity not to redeem the child. If the water is clear, does not bloom, and there are not too many people nearby, you can even try to bathe a baby. The main thing is that the child is absolutely healthy. You should not bathe a child if he received some kind of vaccination shortly before, if he has a runny nose or rash. It is worth giving up bathing even if the baby is teething - during this period his body is especially weak.

Take your time to teach your child to swim; for the first bath, the baby needs only to splash near the shore for a few minutes. Even on the hottest day, children get cold quickly in the water, so don't let them play until they're blue in the face. After taking the baby out of the water, wipe him with a towel and dress him warmly. Remember that water reflects the sun's rays, and baby's delicate skin can burn quickly, so put a protective cream on your baby before going out to the river.

Please note that small children do not yet feel danger and are not afraid to go deep. With this in mind, keep your eyes on your child when swimming in the river. In addition, you can protect your child with a life jacket or oversleeves, they will be even more fun for children.
