Some mothers-to-be are thinking about when it will be possible to go with the baby to the pool. In fact, swimming can be taught from birth at home in the bathroom. The early development of this skill has its own reasons and characteristics.

Baby swimming training
You can teach a child to swim immediately after birth. This early education has its advantages and characteristics. You can practice with babies in the large bathroom at home. It is not at all necessary for this to go to the pool. This is very convenient, especially if it has blooms (neonatal acne). With such a rash, the pediatrician simply will not issue a certificate for the pool.
Parents need some courage to teach their baby to swim. This is especially important for diving. If the mother's hand trembles, then the baby will definitely feel her excitement and cry, and in the worst case, he will begin to be afraid of water. For the first classes, you can invite a specialist to your home. He will show you what exercises you can do with your baby. In the future, it is desirable that the mother herself teach the baby, since it is with her that the newborn has the closest emotional contact. This will help her to easily understand the condition of her child and be sensitive to it.
In addition to the fact that the baby can swim at home in the bathroom, there is another plus of early learning this skill - the absence of fears in the child. The baby's body still remembers how it was in the womb in the aquatic environment. Therefore, water is not alien and terrible for him. It is very rare when the newborn himself initially does not like or is afraid to swim.
There are also reflexes of the newborn, based on which you can easily teach him to swim.
Breath holding reflex
It consists in the fact that the baby holds his breath when water or a stream of air hits the nose and face. Initially, the duration of such a pause is 5-6 seconds. With regular exercise, by the year you can teach your child to stay under water for up to 40 seconds. That is why a newborn can be easily taught to dive. You just need to be extremely careful: the duration of immersion in water must be increased very gradually.
Swimming reflex
The second reflex of newborns, very useful for swimming, is called swimming. When immersed in water, the baby begins to actively move all limbs, due to which it can even stay on the surface for several seconds without support. Such activity has nothing to do with really swimming. But on its basis, you can easily teach a child to work with arms and legs correctly, that is, to strengthen the muscles necessary for swimming. Initially, the baby carries out movements at the level of a reflex, there is no awareness in them. The exercises that are performed with the baby for learning to swim are memorized at the level of muscle memory.
A child can master coordinated swimming movements at the age of 2, 5-3 years. But if they were engaged with him before, then muscle memory will allow the child to learn to swim many times faster and easier.
Both of the above reflexes fade away by about 6 months. Therefore, the easiest way to start learning to swim is before reaching this age. The older and more conscious the child becomes, the more meaningful actions he performs. Therefore, he will perform any exercises in the pool only if he wants to and understands how to do them. With age, already more than a newborn, various fears appear, which can also interfere. For example, the fear of diving or the fear of being in the water without the support of your mother, that is, swimming on your own.
Based on all of the above, the mother must decide for herself when to start working with her child, since this can potentially be done from birth.