The kangaroo backpack has long been appreciated by young mothers. It allows you to go about your business, but at the same time always be with the baby. So that this way of carrying your baby does not become a danger for you and your baby, it is important to choose the right backpack.

Step 1
Choose models that are appropriate for your baby's height and weight. It is believed that up to three months, when the child is not yet able to hold his head on his own, it is not worth buying a kangaroo backpack in order to avoid damage to the spine. Well, if you were offered an option designed for a body weight of up to 10-12 kilograms, you can use it for a long time.
Step 2
Give preference to a backpack that accepts several positions, then it will be useful to you until the baby learns to walk on his own. So, while your baby is sleeping, you can lay him down. At the age of six months in a backpack, you can carry the baby facing you, and after six months, on the contrary, with the baby's back to your belly.
Step 3
Pay attention to the details of the backpack. In order not to disrupt blood circulation in the legs and pelvic organs of the child, choose the option with a wide seat. The back of the model offered to you should be rigid in order to reliably support the baby who cannot sit. So that the load on a fragile child's spine is not very large, give preference to a kangaroo backpack with the possibility of additional support for the baby in the armpit area and a headrest.
Step 4
Remember the convenience of using a kangaroo backpack. Therefore, choose one that has soft and wide shoulder straps that have a margin of length to adjust to your figure. It's a good idea to have extra pockets to store small things like handkerchiefs, bibs, or rattles. It is also good to have a raincoat with a hood. Mounts must be reliable and secured against accidental disclosure (for example, not buttons, but carabiners), but be located both on the side and in the front. The ease of putting on the backpack is also of great importance. Get one that fully unfolds before placing the child in it.
Step 5
Feel the fabric of your choice. It should be natural, soft and breathable. Plus, you shouldn't have any problems with washing, as your baby can quickly stain the carrier.