Some children remember the "wonderful school years" as a series of continuous humiliation and bullying, sometimes forcing them to think about suicide. Sometimes an adult's intervention is enough to stop this "torture", but even the most loving parents do not always know what is happening, because the child can be so intimidated or desperate that he will even hide this bitter truth from them.

Step 1
Unexplained injuries
If the child more and more often returns with scratches, bumps, bruises, the origin of which he explains by accident - fell, stumbled, hit a corner, you should talk to him that no one has the right to harm him and the story of the injuries inflicted on him is not " betrayal. " Offenders often instill in children that only weaklings and sneaks tell about the beatings inflicted. Make it clear to your child that this is not the case.
Step 2
Lost and spoiled things
It is worthwhile to be wary if a child begins to bring spoiled things from school more often than usual or some objects begin to disappear without a reasonable explanation. Violence is not always physical, sometimes psychological pressure is enough. Do not start conversations with your child with the phrases: “again you …”, “you can't get enough of you …”, “parents are working, and you …”, try to build a conversation about the loss and damage in a sympathetic manner and find out exactly what is happening.
Step 3
Loss of interest in school
The fact that the once inquisitive kid has turned into a stubborn child who does not want to complete the teacher's tasks and generally go to school can also serve as a "bell". By the way, in the event that the child's rejection is directed specifically at one particular subject. It is worth considering that the source of psychological abuse in schools is not always children.
Step 4
Physical illness
Serious "bell" frequent diseases - headaches, abdominal problems, "jumping" temperature. If all the symptoms are relieved as if by hand, after you leave the child at home, this does not mean that he is a fake and lazy, it is quite possible that the psychological pressure on him at school is so great that he begins to experience psychosomatic disorders.
Step 5
The inability to ask for help, feelings of fear and humiliation, a feeling of own powerlessness, all this can lead to the fact that the child will begin to harm himself - to tear his hair, scratch himself, in more serious cases, leave numerous cuts on the code. These are very serious signs, which are just silent cries for help.
Step 6
Children, like adults, sometimes want to be alone, but if day after day the child locks himself in his room, does not want to see friends with whom he was recently close, his classmates stopped calling him, it's time for the parent to think - what is happening? Has the child become the target of bullying? It so happens that children become outcasts after small, but still unseemly actions on their part, so it is even more difficult for them to tell their elders about what happened. Be patient, convince your child that together you can fix everything.