How To Know If Your Child Is Ready For School

How To Know If Your Child Is Ready For School
How To Know If Your Child Is Ready For School

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Parents bring their children to first grade between the ages of six and seven. Usually, by this age, the child has already developed the ability to learn at school. However, children differ in their individual characteristics. Parents need to know the criteria that determine a child's readiness for school.


Step 1

Find out what motives your child is guided by when going to school:

- there are friends, neighbors, classmates in the kindergarten (desire to be like everyone else);

- get excellent marks (social preferences);

- play with friends during breaks (game motivation);

- to learn and get a good profession.

If the child chooses the last item, then he has high educational motivation, he will study with interest.

Step 2

Determine how developed the child's emotional-volitional sphere, the ability to fulfill the requirements of society. By the age of seven, children develop the concept of "playing by the rules." Observe how your child in the children's team follows the instructions of the game. Performing your duties is the key to successful adaptation to school. In addition, interest in school life depends on the independence of the child, his ability to form new social ties. Overprotected children run the risk of not being very successful in school.

Step 3

See if your child can listen and talk. Let the cartoon or the story you read retell. If the child cannot logically build the storyline of events, does not know how to correctly draw up a sentence, finds it difficult to choose words, then it is necessary to practice the development of speech. Speech is closely related to the thinking apparatus. By developing speech, we thereby stimulate the development of thinking.

Step 4

Pay attention to how good the child is with a pencil, scissors, how he redraws geometric patterns, how he cuts. If it is difficult for a child to perform such tasks, then the fine motor skills of the hand need training. Exercises for performing small operations are important because in the cerebral cortex, the centers of speech are close to the motor center. Making crafts from plasticine, finger gymnastics, hand massage, etc., we develop the speech center.

Step 5

Play logic word games with your child. Examples can be found in any child development book or you can come up with one yourself. Let him find an extra word, finish a sentence you started, or name a list of objects in one word. If the child successfully copes with such tasks, then his thinking apparatus is ready for learning.

Step 6

The child's ability to count and write speaks of the child's ability to learn. These skills will help your child to be successful in first grade, but can get in the way afterwards. Lack of timely knowledge can hinder the development of reasoning skills.
