Many people think that if a child can read and write, then he is completely ready for school. But that's not all. Before school, the child needs to be taught:

Step 1
To read. All children develop differently. Reading is easy for some, but not so for others. Some read fluently, and some with syllables and great difficulty. The school, of course, cannot but accept a child who cannot read, but this is necessary for the first grader himself. I do not want the child to feel defective next to reading children. It is desirable to be able to write simple words or phrases in block letters.
Step 2
Be able to count to at least ten. The child must do this consciously. You don't need him to just memorize. You also need to master the countdown.
Step 3
Identify yourself. Know your name, surname, patronymic. Know the names of the parents, preferably grandparents. Be clear about your age. The majority of children know all this from an early age. But there are exceptions, which were not even taught to speak the last name before school.
Step 4
Know the days of the week, distinguish between the seasons. The child's thinking should work correctly. These questions are not at all difficult, and first graders should answer them. Understand how winter differs from summer, spring from autumn.
Step 5
Be independent. At school, you will need to dress yourself, put on your shoes, clean up after yourself, put everything in its place. All these skills will come in handy in physical education, at the desk, when the baby is going home.
Step 6
Distinguish between objects. Choose the same from the total mass. These lessons focus on logic and mindfulness.
Step 7
Know geometric shapes. The child must clearly understand the difference between them and name them.
Step 8
Distinguish colors. The child should know at least seven basic colors. It is not necessary to learn shades yet.
Step 9
Distinguish between people by gender. It is imperative to distinguish a boy from a girl. As well as adults and children. That is, men from boys, women from girls.
Step 10
Let your child develop fully - this is the most important thing. And do not take childhood away from children. It is through games that they learn about the world at that age. Let the child enjoy - plays, walks, runs, jumps. Do not overload it with circles, preschool courses. You yourself are able to prepare your baby for school. You just need to spend more time with him. Talk, listen, answer.
Step 11
Feel the difference between "good" and "bad"