Modern children no longer believe in the tale of a drop of nicotine that kills a horse. And at the same time, the negative habit of smoking cigarettes is getting younger every year. Preventive work to prevent smoking is carried out already in kindergartens and in primary schools.

Patience, worldly wisdom and knowledge of human anatomy and physiology
Step 1
Before you start a conversation with your child and explain to him what the harm from cigarettes is, think about who the child can copy. A close and loved one often becomes an object for imitation. If a negative attitude towards drugs is formed in the family and in the immediate environment of the child, then it should be clarified that tobacco is also a drug, only the harm from it manifests itself delayed, after a few years. Addiction is formed from the first days of smoking, and it is very, very difficult to get rid of this addiction.
Step 2
A prophylactic conversation with preschoolers can be carried out after playing in a store, on the shelves of which, in addition to goods necessary in everyday life and food, packs of cigarettes are displayed. If the child has put cigarettes in his shopping basket, you can ask him to explain why. Such a game will help an adult find out the main reasons why the baby is drawn to a cigarette (bought it for mom or dad, I will take it to grandfather, etc.). with preschoolers, it is useful to act out puppet plays in which Dunno lit a cigarette and coughed. Children know how painful it is to cough, it can stop them from taking a cigarette.
Step 3
Preschoolers and junior schoolchildren respond well to advertising, because this is a small colorful film with a complete plot. Therefore, when watching television, you should pay attention to social videos in which people quit smoking. Films, where people smoke, and at the same time cough, spit saliva, close adults can also use to talk with a child of any age, while expressing their negative attitude.
Step 4
In schools, as educational material, doctors and teachers can show children documentaries about the dangers of smoking, about the effect of nicotine and smoke on the lungs, heart, nervous and vascular system. At the same time, it is important to conduct a follow-up conversation where children can express their opinions, doubts. At the same time, a specialist can explain what happens to the body, why diseases appear.
Step 5
The fact that smokers die of lung cancer and throat cancer is perceived by the younger generation as an abstraction in the distant future and happening to anyone, but not to them, so the emphasis in the explanation should be made on momentary changes in the body and organs. This is a rapid heartbeat after smoking (effect on the circulatory and vascular system); dry mouth or vice versa, profuse salivation (effect on the digestive system and the quality of food processing), cough (effect on the respiratory system), etc.