In a happy family, everyone is happy. And if parents cannot be happy being together? Then the way out is divorce. After all, keeping a family just for the sake of a child is an undertaking that will ultimately end in failure.

Everything that happens in the house, in the relationship between family members, is reflected in the child. And having decided to divorce, parents should understand that this will inevitably affect their child, even if there are no external manifestations. And let there be times when domestic violence becomes the cause of divorce, and the child will be better off living with only one of the parents, but this still leaves a deep tragic mark on his soul.
Feelings of a child
What can a little man feel when his parents decide to divorce? It will be a heavy loss for any adult if someone he loves unexpectedly leaves him. Therefore, realizing that one of the parents will leave the family, the baby begins to be very worried and afraid that the second parent would not do this either. He constantly thinks that they have stopped loving him, and more that it is he who is to blame for leaving. This is how children's fears develop. For example: fear of being left alone, increased anxiety, moodiness. These phobias do not allow the child to develop normally, and in the future can lead to problems in relationships in their own family.
If the divorce is also accompanied by conflict situations, then there is a fear of new shocks, and the child begins to avoid any conflicts, becoming downtrodden and quiet.