If it happened in your life that you lost your way and decided to commit adultery, and your feelings for your beloved man are strong, and harmony and mutual understanding reign in your relationship, it is better to hide such an unpleasant episode. But if it happens that the whole truth has surfaced, you must do something in order to return the guy who was cheated on.

Step 1
There are many methods and effective ways to get your loved one back. If you are still sure that it is he who is your one and only, unique and most beloved, be ready to fight for his trust and former location. First of all, be sure to delve into yourself, think about why you changed, what exactly led you to deception. At the same time, it is worth cutting off all contact with the man who has become your seducer. Now you must make a complete detachment from the slightest temptation.
Step 2
After all the thought, you should invite your beloved man for a sincere conversation and from the bottom of your heart, sincerely, looking him straight in the eyes, tell him how much you love him. All words should come from the heart and the main thing to remember: in a conversation, in no case should there be any pretense. The beloved needs to see your sincerity in order to start believing you again. During your conversation, try to explain to the guy the reason for your cheating. Tell them frankly that it was an obsession, that you didn’t want such a turn of events, and it was your huge mistake that you will never repeat. Ask for a second chance and it will most likely be given. But keep in mind: there will be no third chance, alas. If you are not able to remain faithful to him, do not torment the man.
Step 3
If your beloved young man does not want to get in touch with you, look for any ways to meet with him: call, write, look for him in public transport, in the subway, come to his house and wait from work. But do not turn to his friends with pleas to reconcile you, his parents should not be called either. All actions are best done independently. In the event that you still fail to arrange a personal meeting, you can use the mail and send your beloved a letter in which you tell the guy about your love and repentance. But it is also necessary to write such a text sincerely, and before sending it, read the message several times so as not to miss a single important moment and not to tell something superfluous. Most likely, the man will be convinced of your feelings and will try to forgive you. However, there is a possibility that the young man will simply not read anything and get rid of your letter.
Step 4
Remember that you should never rush things. "Resuscitation" of a man can take a long time. If you push him hard, he may get nervous or just walk away. It is quite possible to return a beloved with only one condition: there must be true and sincere love between you.