It is difficult, but possible, to return a man after a breakup. And here the reason for the gap is not important, you just need to systematically approach this issue. Think over a plan of action to the smallest detail and proceed.

Step 1
Before returning, be sure to weigh the pros and cons of continuing. The relationship will be as before, and possibly worse. He will not be able to completely forget the betrayal, which means there will be reproaches, claims. Are you ready for this behavior? Do you want to create something serious on this basis? Feelings will pass, but the bitterness of quarrels will remain. Weigh the pros and cons.
Step 2
Let the man understand that you did everything by accident, that you are very worried and repentant. Usually it is not possible to talk after treason, shouts, accusations cannot be constructive. Therefore, write a letter in which you can tell how it all happened. Be sure to ask for forgiveness, say that it was the biggest mistake in your life. It will not be superfluous to tell what a great man he is, that you are very sorry that this happened. Do not try to make it clear in a letter that you want to return, leave it to the man to make a decision. The goal is to convey the words of repentance and show that you are an amazing woman who is capable of such deep deeds.
Step 3
The next step is to fix your appearance. The first thing that men notice is the beauty of a lady. Once you have already managed to conquer it, the second time it is more difficult to do it. Apparently, it's time to go on a diet, update your wardrobe and learn all the secrets of makeup. You need to become charming and attractive, but not vulgar and defiant. Beautiful things, neat heels, well-groomed hair, perfect nails are now a necessity, not a rare exception.
Step 4
When the image is ready, you need to create the circumstances when you will meet. It's good if you have mutual friends, this will allow you to cross paths at birthdays, general parties, just visiting. Talk to your friends, ask them to help. But it is important that everything happens naturally, he should not guess that you are doing it on purpose. You can also go to his favorite cafe, to the store near his house or to other places where he often visits.
Step 5
In any meeting, do not ignore him, but also do not be intrusive. Be sure to say hello, ask how he is doing. But don't show that you are very interested in him. Behave as usual, he will still notice how great you look, how you have changed lately. It is important not to flirt with anyone else at these meetings, because the ex has not yet forgotten about your betrayal, which means you will have to be without a male company. All these manipulations will lead to the fact that he stops avoiding you. This can happen in a week, or maybe in a few months.
Step 6
And when he no longer lowers his eyes when talking, does not leave, when you appear nearby, you can start active actions. It is important to stay alone with him, and bring him to a conversation. You need not to say in the face that you want to return everything, but simply to hint that you really miss that you are dreaming of his embrace. There is no need to try to drag him into bed, because this does not guarantee the continuation of feelings, it is important to make him understand that he is still very dear to you. And do not expect that he immediately hugs and says that he was bored too. Sometimes it happens, but usually a man needs some time to think, do not rush him, do not call when he makes a decision, he himself will let you know about him.