Men’s penchant for polygamy has long ceased to be a secret for the fairer sex. However, the infidelity of your own partner seems like something out of the ordinary. The presence of a mistress in a husband or boyfriend hurts self-esteem, leads to a complete loss of trust and often even to a break in relations.

The main question that should be answered upon learning about the guy's affair is whether to stay close to him, hoping to return old feelings, or to part as quickly as possible. The first option is justified when the relationship on the side was casual and the guy sincerely regrets his deed. In any case, it is worth making this important decision with a cool head. Give yourself a week off to calm down a bit and reflect on the prospects for your relationship. If you decide to give your chosen one another chance, then you should understand the reasons for his betrayal and eliminate them. Despite the fact that modern young ladies have said goodbye to complexes, incompatibility in bed often becomes the reason for betrayal. If at the beginning of the relationship you were ready to do "it" always and everywhere, then over time the desire weakens, everyday worries and life troubles displace thoughts about sex from your head. But the man still feels a strong attraction and wonders why you suddenly began to have a "headache" so often. A dissatisfied representative of the stronger sex becomes irritable, rude, aggressive. If the situation does not change, then he begins to look for a girlfriend on the side. To revive your former passion, take an example from your own boyfriend, who probably thinks about sex almost all the time. Try and you now and then scroll in your head the most piquant memories or your own erotic fantasies. By the evening, your only desire will be to drag your beloved into bed as soon as possible. Boys perceive misses and defeats much more painfully than girls. After all, male pride is very vulnerable. Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex expect approval and admiration from their chosen one, which helps them to achieve professional and personal heights. But women often consider it their duty, on the contrary, to criticize a partner and point out his mistakes. In this case, the man goes to the left not so much in search of novelty as hoping to find understanding and support from his new mistress. Remember to give your partner as much attention as possible, discuss important issues with him, and also give compliments often.