For several weeks now, you have been plagued by terrible doubts and suspicions. You stopped trusting your beloved man. It doesn't matter what was the reason, the main thing is that trust has gone from the relationship. And without it, your alliance is no longer an alliance, but reconnaissance in force behind enemy lines. Your man denies everything (it is quite possible that he is honest with you), so the real truth, most likely, you will never know. What is left for you? Break up the relationship (but this is too much!) Or believe your loved one. Respect and trust are the essence of love.

All your love for this person, faith in his honesty, a lot of patience and strong will
Step 1
The hardest part is making a firm decision that you take your boyfriend's word for it. Call on all your will and determination to help. From this moment on, you should stop doubting his words and torment yourself in vain. Otherwise, doubts will continue to corrode you, which will lead to unnecessary clarification of the relationship. A love union is not only feelings, but also the mind, which must control these feelings.
Step 2
Tell your man that the misunderstanding is in the past and you trust him completely. This will make him feel relieved and guilty (if he did lie to you). But be warned that if the situation repeats itself, you will never be able to trust him again. Let him draw conclusions for himself. In any case, he will already be more circumspect and think a hundred times before taking an imprudent step. And if not, then your union will still crack. After all, do not wake you every time to take his word for it.
Step 3
Never again bring up this incident. So you and your chosen one will quickly restore spiritual relations. Bury this topic once and for all.