Sometimes it can be difficult to find words to express support for a loved one. But it is very important that the loved one feels your faith in him, especially in a difficult situation. Sometimes only this belief helps to avoid many mistakes caused by the desire to prove something to others, and sometimes it helps to get on your feet and start living with new strength.

Step 1
Believe in your loved one’s strength and success. Not in words - it should be an inner conviction. Always consider your loved one the best in the world. It inspires and instills confidence. Emphasize, constantly remind about the best qualities of a loved one, his strengths, especially if a person for some reason is insecure.
Step 2
Get rid of the habit of criticizing and doubting. If you want to warn about some consequences or express your feelings, then express only your feelings and concerns and only on your own behalf. Use "I-statements", say "I am worried about the consequences" instead of the phrase "you always get into something."
Step 3
Give your loved one the right to act independently, make decisions for yourself, make mistakes and be responsible. Do not reproach for mistakes made, do not remind about them at every opportunity. Reproaches are extremely painful, especially if they touch a sore spot more than once. Assume that your loved one is quite an adult and can learn from his own experience. If you have something to say or something to share, talk about it against the background of a constructive dialogue, be sure to listen to the opinion of a loved one.
Step 4
Think good things, sincerely wish you success in all your beloved's endeavors. Express him more often words of approval and support, your understanding and acceptance. If the person is deeply worried, listen to him more. It often happens that, speaking out, a person comes to some decision more easily and faster, takes steps forward in overcoming painful experiences and doubts.
Step 5
Create an atmosphere of goodwill and peace at home. The house is really that fortress that brings a sense of security to a person, gives strength and confidence. By filling it with positive, coziness, calmness and understanding, you will create a favorable background for moral and psychological support of your loved one.