The candy-bouquet period is a thing of the past, family everyday life has begun. Of course, it's impossible to keep the romance inherent in the first months of a relationship forever. However, it is difficult to come to terms with the fact that the husband not only stopped giving gifts and arranging surprises, but became stingy with hugs and kisses. After all, any woman needs the attention and care of her beloved.

Step 1
Analyze how the roles are distributed in your family. In many Russian families, a woman constantly pulls the blanket over herself, but later realizes that she has shouldered an unbearable burden. You should not strive for the image of a "strong" woman who can stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut. Remember that you are not the head of the family, but your husband. Therefore, you should not fight for power in a relationship, because a woman's strength lies in her weaknesses. Try changing your policy a little, letting your husband make important decisions, even if you don't always agree with him. After all, a man cannot be truly courageous, always following the lead of his weaker half.
Step 2
Change your communication style. Try to show interest in what is important to your beloved husband. His work, hobbies (even if his hobbies seem to you just a useless waste of time and money), his goals, dreams, desires. Just do not bombard your husband with questions if you see that he is ready to touch on any topic. Try to support it, not "nag". First of all, avoid hanging labels and ratings, as well as constant directions, advice - men are only annoyed. Leave overprotectiveness to his mother, you want him to see you as a seductive woman. Also, be able to accept compliments and gifts. Having heard a couple of times that flowers are money thrown into the wind, a man is unlikely to dare to repeat a beautiful gesture. Better respond with joy, delight, kisses. The family budget will not suffer much, but your relationship will only benefit.
Step 3
Pay attention to your appearance. Oddly enough, women dress up and preen mostly before leaving the house. Strangers may consider you an incredible beauty, stylish and well-groomed, and your husband can see an old dressing gown, worn-out slippers and a careless ponytail every day. But he is the main object of your charm. Get a pair of beautiful home suits or dresses that are comfortable but flattering. Pick up a pair of low wedge shoes for a fashionable and visually lengthening leg. Pay special attention to the clothes in which you go to bed. Tear stretched T-shirts, old bike pajamas and shapeless nightgowns into rags. An elegant negligee or an openwork shirt will be appreciated.
Step 4
Do not deny your husband intimacy. And in any case, do not manipulate, punishing the lack of intimacy for everyday quarrels and resentments. After all, a man can only draw one conclusion: he has ceased to be loved and desired. If you are so tired that you only have enough strength to get to bed and fall asleep, then ask your husband to help you with household chores. Try to spend at least one weekend a month with only two people. A movie, a walk in the park, a romantic dinner that turns into breakfast in bed. This will help revive your past attraction and passion.