Winning a man's heart is not as easy as it seems, but keeping attention is even harder. Men are hunters by nature and, having achieved their prey, they lose interest in it. Therefore, so that his feelings do not fade away, you need to monitor your appearance and behavior.

Many women wondered how to keep their husband's attention, because he seems to be moving away every year, those feelings that swayed the heart during the first years of marriage are no longer there. The husband is in no hurry to come home, is less impulsive in his treatment of his wife, and in fact few women think that the matter can be partly in themselves. If you ask a man what girl he married, he will describe a seemingly completely different woman, unlike the one that is now with him.
For men, an important factor is the appearance of the spouse, because a well-groomed and tidy woman is more attractive than a "typical housewife" who has abandoned herself. It is necessary to devote at least two hours a day to your appearance, for example, an hour in the morning (refresh your appearance, get ready for a new day), and devote an hour in the evening to caring for your body, hair, nails and the like.
The attitude towards the husband is also important. Secretly, men do not like advice, let alone teachings from a woman, on the contrary, a woman should ask a man for advice. Asking your husband for advice, you affirm his mind, and even if your chosen one still looked stupid enough in your eyes, you will see how he will change. The acquisition of knowledge in a particular area will be in his interests.
It is also worth adding that you should not burden a man with household chores, but he will gladly fulfill periodic requests if after that you tell him what a good helper he is. No wonder they say that a man is looking for a woman who looks like his mother. He needs care and support, but, like any child, he wants to be independent and independent.