If your husband began to constantly command you, you definitely need to rein in him. But before you decide to do this, you need to think carefully about what exactly you want to achieve from him.

Women often complain about the unbearable behavior of a man, that he throws his socks anywhere, loafers, does not even take away a cup after himself, leaves it where he drank tea, does not take out the trash. Usually the wife tolerates, is silent and hopes that the husband will come to his senses and figure out to help her. But this usually does not happen and then fatigue and irritation accumulate, which leads to scandals in the family.
Behavior rules
If you want to rein in your husband and get your way, you need to figure out how to behave correctly with a man, and what to do.
Be especially careful in your sequence. If you put any conditions before him, they must be fulfilled. For example, they said that you will put a bucket of garbage on his head, if he cannot take it out, then you need to put it on (for prevention purposes). They said, without thinking that you would go to your mother, if he drinks, then you need to pack up and go. Stop cooking, doing laundry, washing dishes, watering flowers, ironing things and be patient, as men will not notice this right away. But when he realizes what all this means, warn him that you will not do anything until he fulfills his duties. This must be done in order for your threats to act on the man.
Men need clear directions to get any results from them. Hints are poorly understood by men, and often ignored.
When sending your husband to the store for shopping, make a list of products specifically, that is, write specifically what you need, for example, 2 kilograms of cucumbers, 1 kilogram of onions, and not just vegetables.
Remember to reward your man with praise, even for the washed cup. For morning coffee - kiss on the cheek. If you come home from work and find washed dishes and cooked borscht, the best encouragement for a man should be a night of love. Then he will know that he will always be rewarded for his merits.
The trust
The most important thing in a family is a relationship of trust between husband and wife. You should feel wanted and loved. Relationships built on trust will bring you joy and a storm of passionate emotions that were lost during the clarification of the relationship.
Smoothing conflict
Do not make scandals in crowded places or in front of strangers, do not sarcastically. When communicating with relatives, friends, never tell what your husband did wrong, better keep silent. If you do not humiliate him in the presence of strangers, he will more quickly agree with your opinion. And you, in turn, will achieve your goal.