At the very moment when one half of the female population of the whole planet is suffering painfully from constant unreasonable male jealousy, the other insatiably complains about the lack of spark in the relationship, which, in their opinion, gives that very feeling of jealousy.

Why is a husband not jealous of his wife?
Beautiful ladies mistakenly believe that the absence of jealousy between a man and a woman indicates the absence or extinction of passionate feelings of love. Some, the most active women, often take a lot of different actions and tricks to awaken a feeling of sleep and make their chosen one become jealous.
Unfortunately, with such behavior, they usually lead their normal attitudes to a sad outcome - parting.
Love, even falling in love, and jealousy are interconnected only at the beginning of a new relationship, when it comes to winning a goal. Jealousy in that case is permissible when a man is afraid to miss his lady of the heart, since at that time he does not yet have any justified rights of "property".
As for when a man loses full interest in his companion, when, in addition to jealousy, a simple concern for his soul mate disappears, then you should think about it. In this situation, you can start talking about fading feelings that can and should be saved. Note: Don't confuse a lack of jealousy in a relationship with an emergence of trust and calmness.
Why are men jealous
On this score, there is the opinion of professional psychologists, who argue that jealousy is a complex psychobiological complex, which has a lot of hidden root causes.
Jealousy in some cases is a mental disorder arising from a long-standing childhood trauma or for some genetic reason.
More often, jealousy is the result of the manifestation of the aggressive nature of the male. Any behavior of a woman is seen under a magnifying glass that distorts everything. Simple trifles seem like big problems, and wrongdoing is treason. Jealousy usually hides not love, but a simple fear of loneliness. The guy becomes very jealous when he sees that his girlfriend is still being courted by a former boyfriend. In fact, he must understand that a relationship that ended long ago should not harm their feelings in any way, but he cannot stop himself.
In normal, full-fledged relationships, when together people are not only loving each other, but also respectful, there should always be at least at least respect and trust, so the absence of jealousy is not a reason for panic. No real good relationship is built on jealousy, remember that.