How To Know If You Are Pregnant Early Without A Test

How To Know If You Are Pregnant Early Without A Test
How To Know If You Are Pregnant Early Without A Test

Feeling changes in the body, a woman begins to think about a possible pregnancy. If it is too early to do the test, then you can find out about the "interesting position" based on your feelings and obvious external signs.

How to tell if you are pregnant
How to tell if you are pregnant

Increased basal body temperature

The restructuring of the female body in case of pregnancy begins with a general increase in basal temperature, which ranges between 37 and 37.5 degrees. Measuring this indicator periodically during the first 3 weeks is an effective way to know that you are expecting a baby. Purchase a thermometer in advance and do the procedure in the morning and evening. Record your observations in your diary.

Changes in hormone levels

Increased irritability, insomnia, tearfulness, excessive lethargy, fatigue, light dizziness, the desire to eat what you did not like before, craving for pungent odors are additional evidence of the onset of pregnancy. The hormonal background of a woman in a position is significantly different from the usual. Do not forget that not all women may have such signals. It all depends on the individual hormonal background and overall health.

Medical indicators

The main medical signs of early pregnancy include unnatural tingling and pulling pain in the abdomen, similar to menstrual pain, increased frequency of urination, constipation, discharge of a pinkish or yellowish color, a feeling of heaviness in the ovarian region, as well as toxicosis in different stages of manifestation. Pay attention to the mammary glands. Generally, swelling, tenderness, and slight pigmentation around the nipples can also indicate pregnancy.

If you find a number of the above signs in yourself, then do the test first and contact a qualified gynecologist. Only a doctor with the help of special procedures can confirm the fact of pregnancy.
