How To Tell If You're Pregnant Without A Test

How To Tell If You're Pregnant Without A Test
How To Tell If You're Pregnant Without A Test

Often women, if they suspect pregnancy, run to the pharmacy for a test to know for sure. But it turns out that you can only be aware of the "interesting situation" by carefully listening to your body.

How to tell if you're pregnant without a test
How to tell if you're pregnant without a test

Learn to listen to your body

In most cases, a woman finds out about pregnancy only when she takes a test or visits a gynecologist. But there are a number of other signs by which you can know that a new life has arisen within you.

One of the most important symptoms of an interesting situation is the absence of monthly menstrual flow. And from the very first day of the delay, a woman begins to ask the question: "Am I pregnant?" Although, if you carefully listen to your body, you can almost from the first days feel that something unusual is happening to you.

For example, a reason to think about a possible pregnancy may appear if, for some unknown reason, you began to run to the toilet more often in a small way. This symptom manifests itself even at the earliest stages. So the body begins to prepare for pregnancy: a large flow of blood enters the pelvic organs, and later the kidneys and bladder begin to work a little differently. And in late pregnancy, the urge to go to the toilet is caused by the enlarging uterus, which begins to press on the bladder. At first, frequent urination may be associated with incipient cystitis, but there is no pain when urinating.

If you have a feeling of nasal congestion, your joints start to ache, you notice a slight increase in temperature, feel chills, do not rush to take cold remedies. Similar symptoms, resulting from a sharp change in hormonal levels, may also indicate pregnancy.

Progesterone, which is responsible for the preservation of the fetus, also affects the condition of the mucous membranes, which weaken and become softer. As a result of these changes, a pregnant woman may start snoring. Therefore, if you suddenly began to snore in a dream, although you did not notice this for yourself before, this may also indicate that in a few months you will have a baby.

In pregnant women, the breast becomes more sensitive, it swells, increases in size, the nipples can begin to hurt even from minor discomfort and even from contact with a T-shirt, underwear.

Often, pregnancy is accompanied by mood swings, fatigue, drowsiness, feeling unwell, irritability, and hormones are again to blame for this.

Progesterone impairs intestinal motility, and as a result, a woman may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Also, sudden nausea, heartburn, lack of appetite, or, conversely, a constant feeling of hunger may indicate the presence of pregnancy.

Iodine and pregnancy

Some women try to find out if they are currently pregnant or not using iodine. You need to drop it into freshly collected urine and look at her behavior. If the iodine doesn't float down and spread, you are most likely pregnant. If the droplet spreads within a few seconds, there is no pregnancy.

For the second method of determining pregnancy, take a white sheet of paper, moisten it with urine and drop a few drops of iodine on it. See how it changes its color. If the iodine has changed color and turned purple or lilac, there is a pregnancy, if it has turned blue or brown, you will not need rompers and diapers for now.
