Nowadays, women are often deceived by men and even subjected to abuse. Unfortunately, being too gullible can lead to new cases of deception and unsuccessful connections. In this case, you need to try to change your attitude towards men.

Step 1
Try not to fall for the first impression of a man when you first see him. Some of them have an attractive appearance and strong charm, which can turn a woman's head. Do not rush to succumb to the flirtation of a representative of the stronger sex and do not proceed to the phase of kissing and intimacy until you understand his character, aspirations and attitude towards you.
Step 2
Check the man's words. Some representatives of the stronger sex brag about their financial situation, various achievements, trying to surprise a woman and quickly win over. Try asking counter questions. For example, if a man claims to be in a high position, ask where exactly and how long has he been working. If he is embarrassed, starts to get confused in words, then most likely he is deceiving you.
Step 3
Stay calm and cool with your man. If you do not know the interlocutor very well yet, you should not be too friendly and agree with all his words. Show that you have your own opinion on any issue and that you do not take what he says seriously.
Step 4
Know how to refuse, if necessary. Some women are afraid to offend their companion and thereby worsen the relationship with him. If you fail to say “no” in time, you will quickly become a victim of deception again. In this case, the man will consider that there are no obstacles in front of him, and he can get anything from you. Be especially wary of offers to ride in a car with a stranger or go to his house. Also, do not invite a man to you if you do not know him well.
Step 5
Do not tune yourself into the fact that the next relationship will definitely be your last, and in front of you is exactly the man with whom you will spend the rest of your life. Overly sensitive and romantic girls want to keep a man to the last and for this they trust him in everything. Take your time and try to get to know the person as closely as possible first. Sometimes it takes weeks or even months. If he treats you well and sincerely admits his feelings, this may indicate that his intentions are pure.
Step 6
Trust not words, but actions. If a man really loves you, he must prove it, for example, by fulfilling your cherished dream by doing one or more good deeds. At the same time, he must obey your little whims, make gifts more often, hold romantic meetings with you and, of course, never stop accepting you for who you are.