Without intimacy, all relationships lose their sharpness, so the question of how to offer a girl to have sex has always been there. Each man has his own proven methods, but it is always useful to expand his arsenal of a seducer, so as not to leave a girl a choice at the right time. Here are some tips from professional pickup artists.

Step 1
The best way to offer sex to a girl is when the words “I want to have sex with you” are not heard at all. Experienced seducers offer themselves with the language of innuendo and hints, pushing the girl to be the first to start a conversation about sex. Sign language is important in this game, which will tell you how your passion is ready to continue in bed.
Step 2
The neutral zone promotes rapprochement. Such a place can be a sauna or a bath. This is a good way to covertly offer a girl to have sex. Girls usually understand perfectly well what is behind an innocent offer to take a steam bath.
Step 3
Often girls need to establish emotional contact to be relaxed. This is facilitated by the intimate atmosphere of a cafe or restaurant. The ability to dance allows you to feel the girl freely and establish a closer relationship. Sex in such an environment is always easier to offer.
Step 4
More compliments. Women love with their ears, so you need to talk about love with them. Compliments allow you to perfectly disguise true intentions and bring the conversation to intimacy with half-hints. Only it is worth doing it subtly and unobtrusively. By the reaction of the girl, you can see how much she is disposed to sex at the moment.
Step 5
Experienced seducers always suggest sex with attention to non-verbal or sign language. This avoids rejection and also introduces an element of the game into communication. Girls often signal themselves whether they are ready to continue the relationship in bed.
Step 6
Some guys find it much easier to offer first sex to a girl using their phone. This approach has its advantages, as partners behave more relaxed and confident without personal contact.
Step 7
Sometimes it can be very effective to offer sex directly. You just need to immediately be psychologically ready for rejection and quickly play back. Thus, the ground is being prepared for further action, because the girl already knows about the guy's intentions and will build relationships based on this.
Step 8
An excellent opportunity to immediately invite a girl to have sex is given by social networks. This method is very convenient for those who are embarrassed to talk about intimacy in person, because it is much easier to communicate on the Internet. But there are also disadvantages here, since there are a lot of scammers and fakes on the network.
Step 9
An invitation to your hotel room or to your home. A great way to immediately hint about subsequent sex. Only this proposal should be preceded by a stage of flirting, when the communication framework is established. Flirting is probably even more important here, because it is in the process of communication that the girl draws conclusions about how ready she is for bed.