Many people love summer. Children are resting, gaining strength and are ready to go to school again. However, not everyone wants to return to school, some do not like the school atmosphere, they do not want to change their usual routine and let go of carefree time. Schoolchildren of any age are susceptible to this problem.

Step 1
Let the child get used to the load in advance. As early as mid-July, ask him to study difficult subjects for an hour a day. On the Internet, you can find many sites and programs that will make the learning process not only simple, but also fun.
Step 2
Take care of the child's workplace. Remove anything from the table that might distract him. Let only that which is necessary for him for work remain. Place a photo of your summer vacation on the table. Accepted memories will evoke positive emotions in the child. This means that his ability to work will increase.
Step 3
Refresh your child's wardrobe and buy him bright office supplies. All this will set him up for an educational mood. The child will want to get back to school as soon as possible to show off their new things.
Step 4
To make it easier for the child to rebuild, write a daily routine with him and monitor compliance.
Step 5
Make sure your child does not forget to take breaks. To complete one homework assignment, he needs to spend 30-40 minutes. Then let him rest for another half hour. Ideal if it is going for a walk in the fresh air or helping around the house.
Step 6
Do not insist that the child sit down to lessons right away. He needs a break to recuperate. Help the student to deal with difficult tasks and do not shout if something is not working out for him. Praise your child for every task completed. This motivates him to work even harder.
Step 7
Difficulties are not always avoided. Most children are not ready for sudden changes and stress. The task of the parents is to help the student to tune in to the new school year.