Parting with a loved one is always very painful. Many who have experienced this withdraw into themselves, become depressed and lose interest in life. In order to cope with your feelings, not to lose heart and move on, there is only one way out - to forget and let go of your love.

Step 1
First, get rid of anything that might remind you of your loved one. Collect all of his gifts, your joint photos, postcards, scraps, and letters and throw them away. Erase all contacts where you can contact him. Otherwise, you will constantly come across some little things that will remind you of your past love, which will hurt you very much.
Step 2
After that, try to change the environment. If possible, renovate your room or move furniture. This will take your thoughts for a while, and the updated room will not be able to remind you of how you spent time here together.
Step 3
Try to distract yourself. Some people go headlong into work or study for this, but this method is not always useful - sometimes you can bring yourself to a nervous breakdown and lose all strength. The best option in this case is to take a vacation and go to rest. You can order a tour abroad, if you have such an opportunity, or just go to the country house with one of your friends. Camping will give you strength and distraction.
Step 4
Try to rarely think about someone you loved, talk about him, or take an interest in his life. All this will very quickly return you to difficult memories and will not let you let go and forget your feelings.
Step 5
Take care of yourself. Pay attention to your appearance, change your wardrobe, hairstyle, get a manicure or visit a beauty salon for a relaxing massage. Do not forget that you need to live on, which means - look for new relationships that will best help you forget the old ones. If you transform, your self-esteem and mood will increase markedly, and men will show more interest in you.
Step 6
You should not give up a new relationship or the simple attention of the opposite sex to you. If someone looks after you and gives gifts, you will understand that someone needs you and forget about your love. You should not be critical of your fans and think that the one you are trying to stop loving is the ideal. Take a closer look, maybe the one who is trying to get you is now not so bad?