Sometimes human feelings are not mutual. Gradually comes the understanding that sympathy has no prospects and no future. I would like to forget, get rid of attraction to a person.

Step 1
Look at the person soberly. Take a pen, a piece of paper, divide it in two. In one column, write down the positive qualities of your beloved, in the other - the negative ones. If you think carefully and dig, you can find a lot of negative in any.
Step 2
Try to avoid casual encounters. They will not be able to bring a positive impact and the desired result. Protect yourself from communicating with this person. Moving away from him, do not withdraw into yourself. Chat with friends, have fun, go to clubs and parties.
Step 3
Find a hobby. It can be anything: a dance class, a singing class, or a visual arts class. Take every minute of your free time. Say a firm and unequivocal "no" to your blues and depression. Load yourself with work or study so that even unnecessary thoughts are not in your head.
Step 4
Take a look around - the world does not stand still. Surely you are surrounded by many interesting people. So why not try switching to someone else? No, no one disputes that heart wounds heal for a long time, leaving large scars for life. However, if you do not receive sympathy, why cross in closed doors? Save your nerves, channel the energy in the right direction.
Step 5
Try a change of scenery. Take a vacation and go on vacation. There you can get married in the sun, swim in the warm sea or conquer mountain peaks and, of course, think about your future behavior, set yourself up in a positive way.
Step 6
Do not cycle on trifles. Erase all SMS messages. Each time you reread them, you give yourself only pain and remind of him. Down with all the photos, funny knick-knacks and other things that connect you to this person. Start life from a new sheet, and erase all memories of it from your memory, like files from a hard drive.