Love is a wonderful feeling, but sometimes love brings suffering, especially if it is unrequited. Such love must be urgently got rid of. So how do you do this?

Love is good only when it is mutual. In fact, love is a two-sided concept. If one person loves, and the other does not reciprocate, then this is more likely not love, but dependence. However, you still need to get rid of this addiction, since it is similar to drug and alcohol addiction.
Getting rid of such love is very difficult and will take a long time. First of all, you need to negate any meetings with the subject of sighing. You also need to try to stop thinking about him. You don't need to warm up your suffering by watching melodramas, reading bad love novels, or listening to songs that remind you of your significant other.
Think about your beloved's flaws. Do not think that this is the only person who could make you happy.
In order to get rid of and forget your former lover even faster, you need to unwind, change the environment, go on a trip, find a hobby. A change of scenery can help you make new and interesting acquaintances.
It is best to avoid visiting various traditional healers and fortune tellers, since they are unlikely to help you in matters of love, and they will take a lot of money for a consultation. The only person who can really professionally help in this matter is a psychologist. But no psychologist can help you if you yourself do not firmly and decisively fight this addiction.
To get rid of love, including unhappy or unrequited love, is possible only with the help of time and the advice that was held above.