Love is different, and rarely is it hopeless - however, there are loves that have much fewer prospects and positive traits than others. Among them is a woman's love for a married man, and in this case a woman condemns herself to many unpleasant moments and experiences that will not allow her to enjoy life, and also will not give an opportunity to enjoy life together with her beloved.

Step 1
Assess yourself as a personally mature person - think about whether you need all the mistakes and disappointments associated with an affair with a married man. As a rule, men who have mistresses outside of marriage control them, and you risk becoming dependent on a lover, while not receiving anything in return - his wife will always be in the first place in a man's life.
Step 2
If you are dating a married man, consider why you started this relationship. Perhaps you have a hidden desire to discourage a mature and wealthy husband from his wife, or perhaps you just want a thrill. In any case, love for a married man holds many more disadvantages for you than advantages.
Step 3
Constant compliments and gifts from a married man can attract a woman in love, but they will not replace a truly serious relationship, which in this situation is impossible by definition. The only way to create this serious relationship is to break off the man's marriage in favor of marriage with you, but, as a rule, such decisions are not made, and the woman remains lonely, living as a mistress.
Step 4
All this speaks in favor of ending a relationship with a married man - even if it is difficult for you to interrupt the usual relationship, it must be done in order to find freedom and start a new life. Realize that there are tens and hundreds of free and worthy men around you, who can be much more reliable and smarter than your married partner, and each of whom can become your couple.
Step 5
Realize your own worth - love yourself, take care of your appearance, feel that you are proud of yourself and know your worth. That is why you will no longer allow a married man to use you when he is tired of his own wife. A relationship with a married man is humiliating for a woman - convince yourself that you are not worthy of such a position, and start living a new life, looking for new friends, doing what you love and meeting new men.
Step 6
Learn how to usefully spend your free time - take up your favorite hobby that you abandoned a few years ago, take a trip, climb the career ladder. Do not deviate from the chosen path and do not cancel your decision - soon your life will change, and you will get rid of an unpleasant addiction.