Swing is an exchange of partners in sexual life. Quite often it is practiced by married couples to diversify their sex life. But not everyone is ready to decide on such experiments, and it is not easy to persuade a wife.

Step 1
Before talking with your spouse, you need to decide what you really want. Swing is an exchange of partners in established pairs. This is not a gangbang, not an opportunity to try threesome sex, but precisely contact with another person who is also in a serious relationship and does not expect anything other than intimacy. At the same time, both you and your spouse have sex with other people. Strong outbursts of jealousy often occur at this moment. Are you ready to see your woman having fun with someone else? Fantasy and reality may not match in such experiments.
Step 2
Swingers have their own rules of conduct, you need to familiarize yourself with them before proposing something to your partner. For example, there are open and closed swing. In the first case, couples make love in front of each other, in the second they retire in separate rooms. Further relationships, issues of protection and possible consequences are also discussed.
Step 3
An experiment proposal must be started carefully so as not to provoke a negative reaction. For example, offer to watch a movie about swingers or themed porn. Ask the woman how she feels about this kind of entertainment. It is better to conduct a dialogue in a humorous form, without offering anything concrete at first.
Step 4
In a relaxed atmosphere, tell your spouse that you have always dreamed of seeing her in the arms of another person. Emphasize how she felt, that she felt good about these fantasies. Talk about her emotions, not yours. If you start talking about yourself, then she may understand this ambiguously. Often a woman begins to look for flaws in herself, she will think that she is tired of you, that she is no longer interesting as a sexual partner. It is unlikely that after this she will agree.
Step 5
A woman will go to such an experiment only when she knows that there is no chance of losing her man. She needs to know that she is loved, that they do not want to replace her or compare with someone else. It is necessary to remove the fear that it will be unnecessary. And this can be done only by constantly repeating that there is no better woman in the world. And here sincerity is important, not flattery.
Step 6
Don't put pressure on her. Just hint at first, then talk about the possibility in the distant future, and after a few weeks start discussing the possibility in more detail. A woman sometimes needs to think over everything, to realize all the nuances. Perhaps she will start looking for information on the web or in magazines. Give her this opportunity, because after that she will feel much more confident.
Step 7
The first swing should be offered with people she knows. They can be good friends, old friends. Perhaps you know an old friend of hers with whom she is on friendly terms. This option will not be so scary, since everyone knows each other. But remember that if something does not work out, then you can permanently lose these people from your social circle.