Situations when men marry twice or even three times are encountered today at every step. Relationships between real and ex-wives are not always successful, especially if families have children.

Step 1
Try to immediately determine for yourself whether you need this man. If the relationship is in the past and you feel great without him, treat his new wife with condescension. After all, now it is she who will have to put up with his many shortcomings, withstand his unbearable character and forgive flaws.
Step 2
If hope is not lost and you still have feelings for your ex, try to critically assess your chances. Is it worth breaking up a new family, especially if a child has already appeared? Think if a person once deceived your hopes and left for another - he can do it again, in a few months or years.
Step 3
A lot in the relationship between the present and the ex-wife depends on how the separation went. If you think that your new passion has "recaptured" your husband, he has "abandoned" you, - it will be very difficult to establish a relationship with her. First of all, take care of your self-esteem, feel yourself beautiful, desired and independent of the past. If so far this has not been possible, it is best to simply not meet and not communicate, or limit yourself to a minimum set of polite phrases when meeting.
Step 4
Try to understand if your husband's new wife is jealous of you. Often the relationship is spoiled by this jealousy, unwillingness to "return" the husband, even for a short time. If you want to connect with your new wife, try to communicate less with the man and more with her. Treat your ex like a stranger, pretend to forget about his passions and hobbies.
Step 5
Try to analyze the situation and imagine the ideal, from your point of view, version of the relationship. At the same time, think not only about your own good, but also about the well-being of other participants. When the image of the relationship is in front of your eyes, take action. Even if the new wife is surprised at your friendliness at first, and the children do not want to walk with the "aunt", sooner or later you will achieve your goal, and peace will come in the relationship.
Step 6
Either way, be generous. Find the strength to wish your ex-husband and his new family happiness, even if cats are scratching their hearts at this time.