Family life is made up of many things. One of the main components is the relationship of the spouses to each other. A husband who knows the unspoken rules of dealing with his wife becomes one and only for his chosen one.

Step 1
Try to see your wife as a woman. After the beginning of your life together, she became the one who provides comfort, namely, she is engaged in cleaning, cooking, washing dishes and bathing children. But in no case should this be a reason to forget about who she really is. Caring, showing attention and compliments should not become memories of a husband from the past. Your assessment of her appearance and talents is important for your wife, remember this every day.
Step 2
Be polite. Of course, romantic walks under the moonlight are a thing of the past, but nothing prevents you from continuing to hold the door in front of your wife, shaking hands when exiting the bus and carrying heavy bags from shops on your own. Do not be rude, do not use unpleasant words about your spouse. Resentment can last a lifetime, and it won't be easy to root out.
Step 3
Help around the house. The ideal family relationship is a separation of duties, but not every woman can organize it. Regardless, strive to do at least something around the house. Wash the dishes, vacuum, or tell them that it is now your responsibility to take the children to the section in the evenings. Give your wife time for herself. Even if she cooks or just lies on the couch, it is important for her to know that she has a personal two hours when no one bothers her to do what she wants.
Step 4
Don't promise if you're not going to follow through. Try to be responsible for your words, do what was planned, even if it will cause difficulties. There is nothing worse than empty words in marriage. She must know that she can rely on you and count on you at any time.