How To Pierce The Ears Of A Child So As Not To Harm

How To Pierce The Ears Of A Child So As Not To Harm
How To Pierce The Ears Of A Child So As Not To Harm

Mothers of little princesses start thinking early about when they can get their daughter's ears pierced. It is very important to approach the procedure wisely and do everything so that the child receives minimal discomfort, and the ears do not hurt after the puncture.

How to pierce the ears of a child
How to pierce the ears of a child

At what age can you get your ears pierced?

Opinions differ about the age at which a child should have their ears pierced. There are zealous opponents of earrings who believe that it is not worth pricking ears for girls under 3 years old. The opinion of such people is based on the fact that children still do not understand the meaning of jewelry, which means that ear piercing is not a desire for a crumbs, but a whim of a mother.

Doctors do not see anything terrible in the fact that little girls have their ears pierced. True, pediatricians recommend carrying out the procedure after 1 year.

Why it is worth piercing the ears of a child at an early age

The advantages of carrying out the procedure for babies are as follows:

  • Children have a higher pain threshold, which means that the procedure brought a minimum of discomfort to the child;
  • The girl will not experience stress. A child up to one year old will not even understand that his ears have been pierced;
  • The healing process is better in children.

Cons of early ear piercing

Do not think that the procedure carried out at an early age has only positive aspects. There are also negative aspects to ear piercing for children. Consider the cons:

  • There are many nerve endings in the auricle, and if the procedure is carried out by a non-professional, then there is a great risk of harming the child's health. Some doctors are of the opinion that ear piercing can negatively affect the vision of the baby.
  • There is a risk that the child will carry the infection. It is difficult for a baby under 3 years old to explain that they should not pull their ears;
  • Children are very mobile, so there is a great risk that during the game the baby will catch on with an earring and damage the lobe.

It is worth noting that it is possible to pierce the ears of children with any health problems only after consulting a pediatrician. For some ailments, the procedure is prohibited.

Where to pierce your ears

Recently, many beauty salons offer ear piercing service. But doctors still recommend that you go not to such institutions, but to certified medical centers.

Before agreeing to the procedure, make sure that the specialist has the necessary education and license. It will be just fine if, before piercing your ears, you read the reviews about the chosen institution and its employees.

It is very important that the procedure is performed using sterile instruments. Ideally, the technician should work with a disposable gun, loaded with sterile needle earrings.

Ear piercing: how to undergo the procedure

Ear piercing takes 15-20 minutes on average. The doctor marks the puncture site with a special marker on the child's earlobes; you choose the design of the needles-earrings made of medical alloy.

The girl's lobes are treated with an antiseptic, then the specialist makes a puncture with a pistol. Everything happens instantly, the child practically does not feel pain.

How to care for your ears after a piercing

It is very important to organize proper ear care after the procedure. For the first month, treat the puncture site with an antiseptic daily.

Regular examination of children's ears is important. If you find swelling, redness, peeling, rash, pus, mucus from the puncture site, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

After thoroughly washing your hands, roll the earrings along the axis of your daughter's ears (do this daily).

For the first month after the procedure, do not dress the child in clothes with a throat, tie his hair in a ponytail, avoid hats that are too tight on the head. These precautions are necessary to avoid damaging the earlobe.

After a puncture, do not take your child to the pool for a while, do not bathe in open water. The risk of infection in the wound is too great.

The piercing earrings must not be removed until healed. Make sure that the child does not touch his ears again with his hands, otherwise infection cannot be avoided.

Each parent decides for himself whether to pierce the ears of a child at an early age or not. If you decide on this procedure, then remember the safety rules. Only by approaching the puncture wisely, you can protect your daughter from unwanted consequences.
