Very often, young parents do not know when to pierce their daughter's ears; they are in a hurry to do it, as soon as the child is six months old. And they are unaware that at this age this procedure can have unpleasant, far-reaching consequences.

Step 1
Officially, medicine does not impose age restrictions on piercing the ears of a child. Nevertheless, experienced pediatricians advise to refrain from this procedure until the girl is three years old. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, in the first years of life, nerve endings associated with the eyes, tongue, face and ears form in the child's ears, and doctors do not advise fiddling with them earlier than three years, since it is very difficult to cope with complications from an unsuccessful puncture at an early age.
Step 2
Secondly, do not forget that the baby cannot be explained about a foreign object in her ears. Catching on to something with an earring, the girl runs the risk of tearing her lobe. In addition, fresh punctures often itch, and the child will fiddle with the ears, which can unknowingly hurt himself.
Step 3
And the most important reason. Child psychologists believe that it is better for a girl to pierce her ears up to a year, since at this age she will more easily endure this manipulation with her body and will be less frightened. But they forget about the most important thing. A child of any age is a person, and therefore it is better to leave the decision to pierce the earlobes to the girl herself when she grows up and understands what it is.
Step 4
Regardless of the age at which the ear piercing will be carried out, several conditions must be met for the success of the case.
When choosing a place where this procedure will be carried out, it is better to stay at a beauty salon, which has qualified cosmetologists who are engaged in ear piercing for young children.
Step 5
Most often they use a "pistol". It is easy to use and practically safe. The puncture is made by disposable earrings-needles by shooting the earlobe. The procedure is quick and almost painless. Once and the needle earring remains in the puncture
Step 6
This method has one drawback. It consists in the fact that the tool itself is reusable. And even though the "pistol" is disinfected before each use, complete sterilization is impossible due to a number of its design features. There are also disposable “pistols”. This is a tool that punctures instead of firing. Consequently, tissue spreading occurs. You can make a puncture using half-ring earrings.