Earrings are an indispensable attribute of femininity, which is worn by the overwhelming majority of the fair sex, from the most tender age to very old age.

Often mothers of little girls strive to pierce the ears of the child as early as possible, motivating their actions by the fact that by the earrings it will be possible to distinguish a girl from a boy. Already six-month-old babies have become frequent visitors to beauty salons.
At what age is it better to pierce the ears of a child?
From the point of view of official medicine, you should not get your ears pierced until your child is three years old. Firstly, up to three years, the earlobe is being formed, and you should not touch the nerve endings in this zone. Secondly, with the growth of the auricles, the puncture site may shift and look ugly, then a new puncture will have to be made, while a small scar from the first puncture will also remain. Thirdly, a child during outdoor games can catch on the earring and injure the earlobe. Finally, your daughter may simply not want to wear earrings as an adult. It is best to wait until the girl grows up and independently decides whether she wants to pierce her ears.
On the other hand, child psychologists say that children who have their ears pierced up to a year and a half pay less attention to the puncture, do not fiddle with and almost immediately forget about the pain during the procedure. This is perhaps the only plus of ear piercing at an early age.
If you decide not to rush and wait for the child's conscious desire, it is worth solving this issue before the age of 11, since after reaching this age, the likelihood of keloid scars at the puncture site increases.
Which season to choose
Do not pierce your ears in summer. Heat, dust, and swimming in water can inflame punctures and increase healing time. It is also worth carrying out the procedure before the child begins to wear a hat, so as not to cling to the earrings with the headdress. The ideal time is considered the end of August or the beginning of September, just before the onset of cold weather the punctures will have time to heal.
What other factors should be considered when going to pierce the ears of a child?
In no case should the procedure be carried out during a child's illness or immediately after it has been cured. Wait at least a couple of weeks for the child to recover. If your child is often sick, perhaps he has a weakened immune system, it is better to postpone ear piercing for six months or a year.
And finally, even if you received the child's informed consent to the procedure, chose a beauty salon, paid for the procedure and sat the girl in a chair, and suddenly the child was frightened and categorically refuses to pierce his ears - do not insist and do not try to persuade the child to agree with manipulations, try to come later, in order to avoid the occurrence of psychological trauma.