Physiological processes in the ear cavity in children are similar to those in adults. Babies, just like older people, produce sulfur, which needs to be removed. But it is undesirable to clean the ears of a child with ordinary chopsticks. At this age, the eardrum is not yet fully formed, it is closer to the end of the ear canal, i.e. to the sink. Hygiene procedures should be performed regularly, but with extreme caution.

Step 1
Use only baby cotton swabs to clean your baby's ears. They are secure in shape and cannot go deep into the ear canal. They are made using a special technology and take into account the physiological features of the structure of the ear. By the way, these sticks are also suitable for cleaning the ears of an adult.
Step 2
After you bathe your baby, clean his ears to remove excess moisture and wax. It is more convenient to do this after washing, since the moisture that has got into the auricle has already soaked all the dirt. Carefully clean the ear from the wax, but it is undesirable, and unnecessary to clean the ear canal at all. Sulfur acts as a barrier to prevent pathogens from entering the inner ear, so there is no need to remove it.
Step 3
If your child is worried about the ear, and you notice that there is a lot of sulfur in it, refer to the ENT. The doctor will examine and, if necessary, clean the baby's ear canal. It is much easier for a doctor to do this, knowing the more subtle features of the structure of the ear and having a special device.