Sometimes a man and a woman break up due to a lack of understanding between them. If you want to carry your love through time and strengthen your relationship with your loved one, try to find out what is in his soul, how he lives and what he wants from life.

Step 1
Learn to accept your loved one for who they are. Some couples make a big mistake trying to reform each other. Don't try to remake your partner or partner. Do not forget that this is the person you love. Understand that an adult is unlikely to change dramatically. If your chosen one or chosen one feels comfortable with their character and habits, leave everything as it is.
Step 2
Spend more time together. Get to know each other better. Talk about life, future plans, tastes in literature and cinema. Try to get to know your loved one's parents and friends. When you find out what his environment was like, what his childhood, upbringing, what atmosphere reigned in the family, you will begin to understand him better.
Step 3
Do not rush to condemn your loved one for some kind of offense. Try to imagine yourself in his place. This psychological technique is new, but very powerful. It helps you to be more lenient with other people's mistakes. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to think about how you look from the outside, and how your partner or partner may react to your actions and words. Try to become imbued with the goals and objectives of your loved one.
Step 4
Have a common hobby. Having a passion together will help you get closer and get to know each other better, which is a serious step towards mutual understanding. Even when choosing a way to spend your free time, you can learn more about the tastes and preferences of a loved one. You can also spend your vacation together. A period during which you spend most of your time together and not distracted by work and household chores will help you better understand each other.
Step 5
Each evening, share the emotions and experiences that the past day brought with you. Introduce the tradition of talking heart to heart and telling each other what made you happy today and what upset you. Just don't push your partner or partner. If your loved one is worried about something, but is not yet ready to share with you, just sympathize, pay attention to him, without asking about anything. Respect the feelings of a loved one and do not put pressure on him. The time will come, and he himself will tell about everything.
Step 6
Show tolerance and respect towards other people. If your loved one sees that you are very categorical, negative about the mistakes of others, capable of harsh criticism and condemnation, he is unlikely to trust you in a difficult period of his life. Therefore, you should be kinder and softer to other people. Then the people around you are more likely to open up to meet you, including your partner or partner.