Naturally, the primary bookmarks of a child's character are formed at the genetic level. But nevertheless, each parent is simply obliged to educate a person as much as possible, whom it will not be ashamed to later call a worthy member of society.

All parents need to "invest" properly in the upbringing of their child. Where to begin? The character of the baby begins to form from the age of 5. By the age of 10, a teenager already has a complete base of features that can only be emphasized in the future.
At preschool age, you can give your child the makings of a decent and strong-willed person with the help of interesting educational games. In the modern world, there are a lot of different literature that will help parents decide on the right actions in such a serious matter. The main thing here is to feel your child, not to impose your ideology on him, but on the contrary, to help him find himself.
With the onset of the age of a "schoolboy", a teenager is faced with such serious things as completing certain tasks, acting according to the rules of the school. At this moment, it is very important to support him, help him with advice, teach him how to communicate correctly with peers and elders.
To find the right approach to the student, it's time to determine his psychotype. Visual child: perceives information well through sight (photos, cartoons, it is easy to repeat what you showed him). It is better to show such children everything that you want to convey visually - draw a beautiful illustration, show something by the example of your own actions. It is very important to control yourself in the presence of such a child, since rash actions will be copied to the smallest detail.
Audial child: easily perceives information received in auditory form. He does not need to show anything, to say it out loud enough clearly and distinctly. To interest a child of this psychotype, you need to often talk to him, read more aloud, learn songs and poems.
A kinesthetic child: in order to understand the essence of things, such a child needs to touch them. Only through tactile contacts with objects he will feel their whole essence. In this case, crafts, plasticine, plastic alphabet, etc. will help you. The main thing to remember is that with such a psychotype of a child, auditory information flows and visual ones should not be excluded at all.
After the child's psychotype is determined, we begin to emphasize all the games and hobbies on him, but we must not forget that development should be combined. Attract attention with those things that correspond to the preferences of the teenager, but for harmonious development, use games aimed at all types of psychotype.