Each parent has a rough idea of how he would like to see his child in a few years. But it often turns out that the result does not live up to parental expectations at all. Parents are perplexed, they undertake to correct their child, but this is hardly possible. As a result, parental hands give up.

But the whole point is that it is not enough to imagine how beautiful a child should grow up. It takes a lot of work for this. Yes, upbringing is hard, daily, round-the-clock work that does not have days off and vacations. And here you can't throw away the draft and start all over again.
The most important thing in the life of a newly born child is the parents. Mom and Dad give the little man not only food, warmth, but also emotions and feelings. Young parents often think that upbringing begins only when the child begins to walk, talk, express his own thoughts. But they are very wrong.
The baby lying in the crib and looking at the parents with interest already absorbs everything like a sponge. Facial expressions, voice intonations already speak volumes. And the child gets used to the very atmosphere that surrounds him from the very first days. Quarrels of parents, rude words and tears will leave their imprint on the soul and character of the child. A child growing up in a difficult atmosphere risks having problems with sleep, behavior and development in the first months. Smiles, laughter, joy and kisses will also leave a mark, but completely different. Such a kid will be open to the world, he will get to know it with interest and enjoy everything new.
With age, parents' responsibility for their behavior grows. Young children are very good at noticing all the mistakes of their parents. And they absorb them along with other new knowledge. A careless swear word will immediately replenish the child's vocabulary. If the parents do not consider it necessary to keep their promises, then you should not expect this from the child. Deception, backbiting also very quickly migrate into the child's habits. And it will be very difficult to fight these habits, and sometimes even impossible.
Therefore, presenting your child in 5 or 10 years, you need to list in great detail all the qualities that the child should have in the minds of the parents. And see how much these qualities are expressed in the parents themselves. And here you will either have to adjust your lifestyle, or not expect from the child what the parents are not able to give him.