Children And Money

Children And Money
Children And Money

Table of contents:


Sometimes parents wonder how to properly introduce their child to money, but do not know how to do it. There are a number of tips for this.

Children and money
Children and money


Step 1

Abstract thinking is not fully formed in children of younger preschool age, so it is too early to tell them about the turnover of money. It is best to demonstrate transactions with money to them clearly. For a child to learn to save, you need to come up with a goal and buy a piggy bank. And when a certain amount has accumulated, the child should buy exactly what he wanted.

Step 2

Children should be taught that money should be taken seriously and should not be wasted. Parents can present this in a playful way. For example, invite children to establish the authenticity of banknotes. They will enjoy this activity very much.

Step 3

It is recommended to give pocket money, so the child will have the skill in managing personal finances. But their size should be small. Parents should be told why they are giving this amount.

Step 4

Some parents pay their child for household chores and grades because they think that is the best motivation for them. But doing this is dangerous and wrong, because children have to do household chores and take care of their families for free.

Step 5

Sometimes families get a bank card for a child. This should be done for older children who shop for groceries. Very often, an additional card is drawn up, which is tied to the account of one of the parents. On it, you can set a spending limit, and all expenses will also be visible.
