When the spouse leaves, it is very difficult. And most importantly, this can happen to any woman, even to a clever, beautiful woman and a wonderful hostess. Do not believe when they say that husbands do not leave a good wife. Leave everyone. For different reasons. An abandoned woman often does not listen to any arguments and agrees to do anything to get her husband back, if she still loves him.

Step 1
If you want to do everything for your beloved prodigal husband to return to his home again, be patient. Sometimes it happens that a man who has lost his head from a young seductress returns himself. Passion is blinded, he finds himself at a broken trough, outside the usual environment, without children, without a favorite chair, without your borscht, without you, your eyes, understanding, tenderness, without everything from which he once so thoughtlessly and hastily fled. And he comes back.
Step 2
It will be easier for him to return if during his absence you behaved with dignity, did not throw tantrums at him, did not say nasty things, did not interfere with meeting with children, did not commit acts for which later you became ashamed. If you managed to pull yourself together and maintain good relations with your ex-husband (as far as possible in this situation), then he will not have to step on his pride in order to come home and ask for forgiveness.
Step 3
Become his friend, because you were connected so much! Let him know that you are not his enemy, but a wise understanding friend, from whom he can always find understanding, where they will always listen to him and be able to give advice. Listen, everything he says. However, do not tell him all the details of your life, especially personal. He should have an interest. He may not have completely lost it. And having learned about some of your fans, jealousy will wake up in him, and he will try to win you over again.
Step 4
Take care of yourself. Many women manage to blossom with renewed vigor after being abandoned. Go to rest, change your image, lose weight, change your wardrobe, go in for sports, go to exhibitions, theater and cinema, meet friends. Do it for yourself. Your ex-husband will definitely not want to return to a twitchy woman who has dissolved herself with tear-stained eyes and with eternal readiness for a scandal. If he sees your transformation, then there are chances to return him.
Step 5
It may happen that after the first shock you will realize that your life after the departure of your husband has become better, more interesting, brighter. It really happens that way. So is it worth wishing for his return? Open the door to your new life!