A woman is born attractive. This is her nature. But not everyone knows how to use their potential. A few of these natural tricks that women don't use can drive any man crazy.

When you are talking, if the other person is interested in you, he looks at the lips. And if a girl bites her lip slightly, not vulgarly, but as if worried, this will make the image more touching. The man will be filled with tenderness towards you.
Sincere laughter is an expression of emotion. It makes you more open. A big smile will also make you more attractive. Naturally, this is permissible only if you do not have complexes about the condition of your teeth. Sometimes it happens that girls come up with complexes for themselves, considering the enamel is not white enough, or the teeth are not even enough. Actually, though, everything is in order.
Plump lips are attractive. Just do not constantly try to fold them into a tube. If nature has not rewarded you with plump lips, you can remedy the situation by applying permanent makeup, which will enlarge your lips and give them brightness. You can use a vacuum to enlarge your lips. Make sure your lips are plump, soft and smooth, massage them every day with a soft toothbrush, and then use a moisturizing lip balm. Don't use cheap lipsticks that ruin your skin.
Now you can buy glasses without diopters if everything is in order with your eyesight, but you want to bring a certain zest to your image. Glasses make a woman more strict and inaccessible. And this, as you know, attracts men. What is available to them is not interesting in the long run. Naturally, glasses cannot correct vulgar behavior. Be humble. Also, if you take off your glasses, you can play with them a little, drawing attention to your hands.

Strict hairstyle
This is the topic for glasses. A strict hairstyle, especially high when the neck and ears are open, attracts attention. The most important thing is that the effect is not spoiled by dirty ears or blackheads on the neck. If you have a complex about your ears, you should not do a high hairdo that opens them. You will feel uncomfortable and it will definitely be passed on to the man.

Your hands should be smooth and well-groomed. Be sure to get a manicure, even on short nails. Let the nails be at least polished and covered with colorless varnish. Long claws are popular with a very limited circle of men. Therefore, choose something in between.

Perfect skin and natural makeup
Nothing attracts like naturalness. Now men like to criticize ladies who have everything built up, tons of plaster and nothing natural at all. But we know what they are greeted by their clothes. Therefore, you do not need to apply tons of cosmetics, but you must take care of your skin. Timely cleansing, moisturizing and treatment of the skin will leave it silky smooth. And then it will be enough to apply BB cream on the face to even out the color.
If you cover your eyelashes with mascara, there will be lumps. It smudges, and in general, mascara, whatever it is, will reveal the presence of makeup. An alternative would be eyelash extensions. Just don't choose 8D. Make the usual classic build-up, or 2D build-up. Beautiful lush lashes will make your eyes even more expressive.

Sports Leggings
If you go to a cafe, of course, you should be wearing a dress. And leggings will only be appropriate in the gym. They will favorably emphasize the ideal figure, and will help to win the attention of the object you like. If you're not planning on going to the gym, you can go for a run.
Be elegant
This is the balance that needs to be achieved. You are sexy enough, but at the same time reserved and inaccessible. Elegance should start with demeanor and end with hairpins in your hair.

The beautiful, sexy voice is mesmerizing. Someone is given such a voice by nature, but someone needs to practice. The aspirated voice of Marilyn Monroe fascinated men. Always speak calmly and measuredly. No need to add hysterical notes.

The gait is like a boat in the sea. You should walk with your hips swinging smoothly. High heels attract men. But if you do not know how to walk in heels, it is better to refrain from stilettos. Shoes should be comfortable.
Confidence in your irresistibility
Your confidence will definitely be passed on to those around you. If you do not love yourself, believe me, the likelihood that someone else will fall in love is extremely small. Remember, you are irresistible! But don't be overconfident. This is repulsive. Again, you need a middle ground.

Remember, everything needs to be learned. And if you flirt unnaturally, it will only repulse. Be nice, kind, open - this is the most important thing. Never judge or discuss people. Once again, it is better to remain silent than to freeze stupidity. And remember, no negativity. You are a princess! So behave appropriately.