The secrets of emancipation, like the secrets of seduction, play an important role in men's life. Monotonous attempts to seduce girls, numerous unambiguous hints are not the best option for starting a relationship. It is very important for a man to be able to convince a girl that he is different from the rest. If a man at the same time observes some simple rules and knows the secrets of seduction, then it will not be difficult to liberate the girl.

The book "Pickup. Self-Tutorial on Seduction", F. O. Bogachev, 2010
Step 1
First you need to get the girl's attention. The main thing here is not to do stupid things from the very first words. When talking, you should remember one golden rule - it is better to speak rarely, but you need to say accurately. The manner of speech and the system of gestures should be individual, practiced. All this will set you apart from the gathered company. Try to avoid abstruse phrases, this will alert the girl even more. Better watch her a little. One of the secrets of seduction is that the man seems to be the most ordinary - this will give the girl some opportunity to relax.
Step 2
When the girl relaxed a little, you need to make her understand that he is somehow different from the others. A simple but effective way will help here - when everyone else is laughing, you should smile a little. Be careful with your sense of humor. Don't try to be the life of the party. Show with all your appearance that you do not need anything from the girl.
Step 3
There is another well-known secret of seduction, and, consequently, rapprochement and liberation. Taking your time to respond to her hints of closer intimacy is a sign of a frivolous man.
Step 4
If there are many girls in the company, then you can approach them and say, looking at your chosen one: "How many beautiful girls …" After that, return to your place as if nothing had happened.
Step 5
The next step is to talk to her. It is advisable to talk to the girl in private. If this is not possible, create a sense of privacy, for example, stand between the girl and the others, but not close, without disturbing her personal space.
Step 6
Be nice to the girl, do not skimp on compliments, and behave according to the "further - closer" tactics. The girl will gradually loosen up.