From the cradle, nature has awarded some representatives of the fair sex with such weapons as charm and the ability to please men. Usually these languid and sensual beauties are envied, they want to imitate them. Most girls have to learn seduction techniques in practice, in communication with the opposite sex. However, it is often possible to meet a middle-aged woman who has never been able to comprehend this science. As a rule, they are quite cruel and have many features similar to men. Of course, soft femininity is present in them, but it is, as it were, in a state of sleep. How to wake up a real woman in yourself?

Step 1
In order to please the people around you, and in particular men, you must like yourself first of all. If a woman is not happy with her reflection in the mirror, then this feeling will haunt her in everything. Thus, you should not be lazy and save on your own beauty. Start eating right and the extra pounds will go away by themselves.
Step 2
Go in for sports, physical activity will bring not only tone to your body, but also a good mood.
Find your personal style. Try to combine different clothes, do several types of hairstyles and makeup. Choose 2-3 options that suit you the most. Force yourself to wear nice clothes, even if you think they are uncomfortable. Swap your favorite jeans for a skirt, and soon you will see that there are many advantages to such clothes as well.
Step 3
Be sure to take good care of your nails and skin on your feet and hands. Depilation - this will allow you to always be sure that you look your best.
Step 4
The awakening of femininity is not only external, but also internal changes. Avoid stressful situations, learn to relax and tune in to a positive wave. Do yoga, it will allow you to achieve peace and open the most hidden corners of your personality.
Work on your sexuality. Learn to see your body beautiful, get used to it. It is better to do this gradually. Take off your clothes completely for at least 10 minutes a day. Take some belly dancing lessons. So you will not only learn plasticity and gracefulness, but also feel like a relaxed seducer.
Step 5
Remember to pamper yourself. A hot bubble bath, favorite sweets, a new skirt will surely cheer you up.
Step 6
Flirt with men often. Allow yourself to be looked after, feel welcome. Smile more, be friendly. Don't be afraid to feel yourself in the spotlight.